CPSC Recall Information
When buying or selling preowned items, you need to always check to make sure that the item did not have a recall before consigning it.
Sellers MUST check each of their items for recalls - it's not just a Kidsignments rule... it is also the law.
Here are two sites provided by the government for you check for recall information:
Make sure to sign up for email alerts for new recalls while you on at the CPSC site. Always register your items with the manufacturer (this holds true for items other than childrens' items too) so you can be alerted of recalls.
You can also call the manufacturer of a product and give them a model number in question to see if the item has been recalled or needs replacement/adjustment parts.
Need to replace a missing part of a toy or piece of baby equipment, get new stickers or other items to refresh an item? Check the company website for replacement information. This helps an older item look new and will definitely help it sell better... and usually for more money!