Frequently Asked Questions

We often get questions regarding selling and our sale in general, so we composed a list of the most common questions and answers. If you can not find the answer after browsing the list, feel free to contact us.

How do I register to sell and when do I sign up?

Registration for Kidsignments is held online and usually takes place a few months before the sale occurs to give our sellers time to tag their items. We accept 1,500 sellers and the spots fill up very, very quickly! If you are interested in signing up to sell with us, click here for more information and here to register.

What type of items do you accept?

Mostly anything and everything related to infants, toddlers, kids, and teens! This includes seasonal clothing, coats, jackets, shoes, accessories, costumes and dress-up, school and sporting uniforms, indoor and outdoor toys, sporting equipment, baby gear, bedding, video and board games, furniture, playhouses, motorized ride-on toys, maternity items, and anything else you need for your child! We do NOT accept Men and Ladies items.

Most of our sellers sell an average of 80 – 90% or more of the items they bring to sell. Remember, price it fairly and price it to sell! Shoppers are looking for a bargain!

Interested in selling with us? Click here to sign up to sell at our next event!

What sells?

  • Seasonal Clothing / Boutique Wear
    • Size preemie to 16
  • School Uniforms and Spirit Wear
  • Junior Clothing
    • Size 1-15 girls
    • up to size 30 boys (No mens clothing)
  • Baby Equipment
  • Toys
  • Books
  • Bikes/Scooters
  • Games
  • Kids Furniture
  • Big Plastic Toys
  • Shoes (up to size 6 only)
  • Sports Equipment
  • Computer Games
  • Kids Linens/Bedding
  • Maternity Clothes
  • Playhouses
  • Riding Toys
  • Outdoor toys accepted at both sales
  • Breast Pumps
  • Kitchen Sink (well, if it's big & plastic!)
  • Music Items
  • Costumes / Dress Up
  • Pictures / Room Decor

And any other kid or baby related item that you may have! Dig deep into those closets! Imagine what you can do with the new empty space you can make!

  • Seasonal Items for Summer/Spring(February Event): Swimsuits, sandals, pool/water toys, swim gear/floats, Easter dresses/suits, light jackets, blue jeans (accepted year round), short sleeve shirts, capris (summer colors), dress up outfits, school spirit wear (short sleeve only), etc.
  • Seasonal Items for Fall/Winter(August Event): Coats, jackets, sweaters, long sleeve shirts/dresses, mittens, gloves, snowsuits, sleds, hats, Christmas wear, Costumes, blue jeans (accepted year round), carpris (fall/winter colors), uniform shirts (short sleeves are accepted as long as they are uniform shirts), uniform or PE shorts, sweatsuits, boots, two piece outfits with long pants and short sleeve top as long as it is a MATCHING outfit, school spirit wear (short and long sleeve), etc.
  • Items not accepted- Due to the inability to easily determine which of the following have been recalled, sanitary reasons and concern for safe usage of these items, we will not be accepting the following items in addition to not accepting any recalled items: Baby Bottles, plates, cups or other food related product, breast-pumps, jewelry, teething toys, mattresses, inflatible items, disposable diapers (even if unopened), painted wooden toys, baby equipment older than 5 years, "Dollar" type store toys or similar type items, grab bags that do not contain all of the same items (it is too hard for us to confirm what is in the bags if we are unable to see the items well), any recalled item even if the recall has been done since it is impossible for us to verify this. Do not bring household items, decorative home items (candles, living room paintings, family room lamps, etc), No breakables (mirrors, porcelean dolls, figurines, etc), no 'free items' that were given away such as free items at childbirth, no body paint,body art, no cook books for adults, magazines or coffee table type books, no textbooks except homeschool curriculum, no bedding larger than full size, no ladies handbags or shoes, no mens shoes.

What items do you not accept?

We are not accepting the following items... cribs, baby bottles, pacifiers (even if brand-new-in-package), feeding items (plates, sippy cups, silverware, bottles), DVD, VCR, jewelry, underwear, diapers, pullups, swim diapers, plastic teething toys, Polly Pockets, Magnetix, mattresses, painted wooden toys, (except Brio and those made in the USA) vinyl bath time books, car seats older than 5 years, any other baby equipment older than 5 years, (includes but not limited to: strollers, exersaucers, high chairs, swings, bouncy seats or other large piece of baby equipment) dollar store toys or other items, grab bags that do not contain all of the same type item, and anything inflatable such as a baby bathtub, swimming rings, water wings, or pool rafts.

BE SURE to check the CPSC recall site as NO ITEM will be accepted if there has been a recall on it. Sellers are responsible for checking their own items.

Do you sell Junior AND adult clothing?

YES to JUNIORS clothing, but NO to adult clothing. Our sellers shop at the most popular stores and this is apparent in the large amount of brand names that are present! Brands we have seen in past sales include: Abercrombie, Hollister, Aeropostale, Gap, Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Old Navy, and more! We are just as selective with our teen clothing as we are with the kids' clothing. Junior clothing must be in style and meet our normal consignment standards. Again, no adult clothing other than juniors will be accepted… no exceptions!

Do have dressing rooms?

Dressing rooms will not be available.

What type of furniture do you accept?

We accept bassinets, changing tables, toddler beds, day beds, youth beds, kids twin beds, bunk beds, kids dressers, toy boxes, rocking chairs (adult and kids), and any other item that a baby or child would use. Please note that all baby equipment must be less than 5 years old, in excellent condition, and NOT listed on the CPSC Recall site. Sorry, no exceptions. Sellers are responsible for checking their items for recalls! Sorry, no cribs accepted due to federal laws on new and preowned crib sales.

Is there a limit on the number of items I can bring to sell?

No, we do not have a limit on the number of items you can bring. We have over 30,000 square feet of space when we open! If you can bring it to us, we will find room to put it in the sale.

How do I hang an outfit?

We are so glad you asked! We have created “Tagging 101” for that very reason! This complete tagging tutorial includes both pictures and description and will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about how to tag your items and prepare them for the sale!

Where can I find hangers?

Try checking with your friends, family, neighbors, or your local dry cleaners. We have heard that dry cleaners are now selling their recycled hangers (the ones people return to them) instead of giving them away. If you run across this, try another dry cleaner. We strongly prefer wire hangers since plastic ones snap and break due to the vigorous shopping and we would hate for your items to end up on the ground should this happen.

What is my seller code?

Generally, your seller code will be the last 4 digits of your phone number or,… for sellers who have sold with Kidsignments before, your previously assigned number. Once you are assigned a seller code, your seller code it will not change unless you do not sell with us for a period of 2 years and will remain the same the entire time you sell with Kidsignments. Make sure to keep those leftover tags once you are finished tagging your items. Since the tags do not change from sale to sale they can be saved and used for the next sale. If we do change our tags you will be given generous notice.

Do I have to use the official Kidsignments tags to tag my items?

Yes! It is imperative that you use the official Kidsignments tags to tag your items for the sale. During the sale, we cut and remove the tags from each item that sales during the checkout process. The tags will then be scanned after the sale and we want to make sure you get the credit and money you deserve! We need the barcoded tags that we have created, and having them is essential to our getting you your check quickly and efficiently after the sale. You can click here to generate your tags, and here for the ‘Tagging 101’ pictorial tutorial to learn how to properly tag your items!

Can I use a tag gun or staples?

NO!!! These simply do not last and cannot stand up to the high volume of shoppers at our event. We only accept normal size silver safety pins or larger. No small gold pins please as these do not hold up well at all and break easily. Please, please, please do not use straight pins! Mega ouch! Items secured with small gold pins, staples, or straight pins will be returned and you will then need to re-pin everything! Thanks in advance for your complete cooperation!

How should I price my items?

The general rule is 1/4 to 1/3 of the original sales price. Items in excellent condition and name brands can sell for more than items of lesser quality such as those sold at discount stores. Remember, items must be in good condition and free from holes, stains, and excessive wear to be accepted into the sale. Shoes need to be in like new condition with no tread wear or scuffs on the toes. Shoes generally are priced less than clothing (about 20%-25%). Popular toys such as Little Tikes, Lego, etc. can be priced higher. Hard to find items such as double and triple strollers can also be priced more. If in doubt, ask us at check-in. Most of our helpers have been with us for years and will gladly tell you what similar items have sold for at past sales. When pricing, ask yourself, "Would I buy this for $xx.xx?" If you know the currently retail price for your item, write this on the tag in the description area. If the item is not longer available, try writing 'paid $xx.xx for new' on the tag. Remember, shoppers are looking for a bargain, so price as fairly as you can so your items will be sure sell. Oh, and fyi… shoppers LOVE items without the NR and the 50% off day is always very busy! Use NR only when you are sure you will not accept any less than what you have asked.

How do I tag items with multiple parts or pieces?

Please use ONLY ONE TAG PER ITEM! This includes sets with multiple parts or pieces. Please use masking tape to label each piece with your seller number, the price, and 1 of 3', ' 2 of 3' etc. as it applies to your item. Labeling each piece with masking tape and your seller number, helps us to return 'separated items' to their original set. To see pictures of items with multiple pieces tagged correctly, please be sure to check out "Tagging 101".

Do I have to make an appointment to drop off my items?

Yes! Due to the large amount of sellers that we have… 1,500, the only way we can efficiently run check-in and get it done as quickly and smoothly as possible is to schedule. We also need to make sure that you are using a unique seller code so there are no problems when it comes time to reconcile and get checks ready to mail. We have a strict limit of 1,500 sellers. Once we reach this limit, we will no longer accept appointments. We will have a waiting list in case of any cancellations and will notify you asap should a seller spot become available for you.

Where do I drop my items off?

The sale is held at The Gwinnett County Fairgrounds in Lawrenceville, Georgia off Sugarloaf Parkway. The items will be dropped off in one of two buildings, either the “Clothing & More” or the “Big Toys Building”. Registered sellers will receive an email from us which will state which items go in each building prior to drop-offs.

What if I end up having more items to bring than I told you I was going to?

Don't worry! Go ahead and bring anything and everything you can tag! We ask that you only contact us if you find you have more than 500 items as we ask that you help at cleanup to sort unsold items if you bring 500 items or more.

Do I need to reschedule if I tagged more than 150 items and told you less?

No, your original appointment date and time is fine.

What is my seller's share of the sale price and what does the $15.50 fee cover?

As a seller, you will receive 67% of the total price that your items sold for. An additional one-time-per-sale consignor’s fee of $15.50 will be charged to help cover the additional expenses of the sale such as rent, heating and air, mailings and postage, advertising for the sale, and other charges associated with running an event of this size.

Can I shop at the preview sale?

Yes, but only if you are a registered seller selling in the current event! We don't torment you by only letting you ‘sneak a peek’ the night before, you actually get to look AND purchase items before the event opens to the public! Be sure to bring something to carry all your amazing bargains in… the "in" containers are new trash cans with handles and wheels and laundry baskets with pull-ropes tied to them as handles. Those wonderful lightweight folding containers with handles work great. Teens and tweens of sellers also get the exclusive opportunity to shop with you in the Teen Sizes Area! Sorry, no infants or children will be allowed to shop preview. This is for their safety and there are no exceptions to this rule. Would you like to become a seller and shop at the preview sale? Click here to sign up to sell at our next event! Interested in helping to help at the sale? The incentives for our helping are even sweeter! Click here to get the insider information on becoming a helper!

Can I bring my spouse, mom, or child with me to the preview sale?

Sorry, but no. Only one preview ticket per seller will be given out. If you are very pregnant and will need help, please speak with us during check-in (not the day of preview!) to see how we can help you with shopping. But look on the bright side… you don’t have to be completely on your own! Why not make a fun day of it by getting your friends to sign up and sell as well? Then, come early, (as sellers start lining up early ) bring some coffee (iced in August) and have fun talking with other parents while you wait socially distanced from each other. Many of our sellers consider this one of their favorite nights of the year! After all, who can shop on an empty stomach? We do have one exception to our ‘one preview pass per seller’ rule and it is only for teens. We know this age can be… ummm… shall we say ‘very selective’ (O.K., picky!) about their clothing and so we do allow your teenagers to accompany you to preview to shop in the junior sizes only. If you have a teen who wears junior’s sizes, please see us during your drop off for a special preview ticket that will allow them to participate during a special shopping time at Preview. Infants and kids are permitted AFTER 2pm on Preview Day.

Why are children/babies and strollers not allowed until after 1 pm on Opening Day?

The first day of the sale is extremely busy and very crowded and we need to ensure everyone can socially distance. For safety, no children, babies, or infants in carriers into the building until after 1pm (or until no line to enter the building, whichever is later) on the first day of the sale. There are, however, no restrictions on the other event days. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you, but this is absolutely necessary to ensure safety for all of our shoppers... especially the tiny ones!


How do I enter the drawings for the door prizes and what can I win?

Every registered seller for the current sale will have their name entered in the drawing! Your drawing entry will be your self-addressed stamped envelope so make sure to bring it to your drop off appointment! What are the prizes? They do tend to vary from sale to sale, but some of our favorites are:

(1) $50 shopping credit!* Oooooh!

(2) $25 shopping credits!* Ahhhhh!

(2) $10 shopping credits!* Not too shabby!

(5) No wait checkout passes valid for preview sale only! That’s right! You get to go straight to the FRONT of the check-out line when you are finished shopping and are ready to make your purchases!

(1) First place in line for preview! This means you will be the first person admitted into the sale preview day… the most coveted spot available!**

In addition to the above, we are usually promised some additional great prizes… so make sure to bring your self-addressed envelope to check-in and come to shop preview!

And now for the fine print...

*If your name is drawn for a credit and you do not use it at that event, the shopping credit is forfeited. The credits are not redeemable for cash.

**If the winner of the first place in line is not present at 8:45am a new name will be drawn.

Can I help at the sale?

Sure! We couldn't do it without our amazing helpers! Our helper work very hard, but also receive some great incentives! Click here to find out more about becoming a Kidsignments Helper!