Pickup Details Email
This is just a reminder that pick-up of all unsold items will be:
Monday, March 3, 2025 10:00 AM to 2pm and also 4pm to 7:00 PM.
REMEMBER - we will not release your items to anyone other than the seller UNLESS the person picking up the items has a release letter and the seller's pick-up ticket.
This is because only you know your items. If an item is returned to you in error, someone else would not notice this.
If you need someone to pick up your items for you, please send your preview pass with them and sign it similar to "I, [full name] give FULL NAME permission to pick up my items for code [CODE].'
When you come to pick up your items, please note we do not open the doors for pick-up until 10:00 AM (no earlies). We will be doing pickup 10am to 2pm and again at 4pm to 7pm. We will also be using the same application used for virtual lines for pickup where you will scan a QR code with your phone to let us know you are here. We will text you when your items are ready.
When you come to pick up your unsold items please:
1) Scan the QR code on your pickup pass to let us know you are here.
2) Check the lost and found for any items that may have become separated from the tag.
3) When your items are ready, we will text you to come to the pickup table.
4) Check all items returned to you to verify that they are your items before you leave. If someone is picking up your items for you, they also need to do this.
PLEASE do this prior to leaving the building.
5) Take the card board box that we have your items in with you! We purchase over 3500 boxes for this event and not all of them will fit in the dumpster we get for this event.
If you would like to take any of the extra boxes with you, you are very welcome to take as many as you like.
6) Thank a helper! They work very hard to watch over your items during this event and appreciate you selling with us.
ALL ITEMS remaining after 7:00 PM will automatically be donated to a charity of Kidsignments choice. No phone calls will be made.
The donation truck comes promptly at 7:00 PM and we have to vacate the building. Our contract expires on Monday.
Look for your check to arrive soon after it is sent on April 4.
Thank you again for choosing to sell with Kidsignments!