Seller Tip - Media Tagging

If you are selling books at the upcoming event, please remember to put your tags on the FRONT of the item as shown in this picture on our Facebook photo album (you do not need to belong to facebook to see it and you do not need to retag if you have already put the tags on the back). Try scrolling through the album once you click and check out the Tagging 101 pictures:

It is also available on our main website at: (Scroll down and you will see the book and DVD picture)

This allows for shoppers to see the prices easily while shopping and allows for any non-sold items to be more aptly sorted after the event :)
Also, remember that DVDs, VCR tapes, computer media and music CDs are no longer accepted.

All game system media must be in a storage case. Those without a protective case will not be permitted to be placed in the event.

Thank you for helping to assure things so smoothly!

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